Private Label

​Choose the type of customization that best suits your business

As a differentiating element from the competition, Pluraltex manages the perfume manufacturing project in a comprehensive and personalized way, producing in small quantities by reference. Depending on the intended finish, perfumes can be positioned in the low-cost or premium market with more luxurious and complete presentations.

Level 1 – Standard Customization

If you want to create your own perfume quickly and inexpensively, we have around 180 fragrances already registered and market tested for you, with no administrative costs and ready to sell.
Create your own perfume with our standard bottle, choosing the fragrance that suits you best and customize the box and label.
From 50 units.
Production Time: 3 to 4 weeks.

Level 2 – Flexible Customization

If you want to create your own perfume in a more personalized way, we have around 300 fragrances already registered and market tested for you, with no administrative costs and ready to sell.
Create your perfume by choosing one of the bottles from our catalog and the fragrance that you like the most and customize the box. The chosen bottle includes serigraphy.
From 500 units
Production time: 3 to 4 months

Level 3 – Premium Customization

If you want to create your own perfume exclusively, in addition to our 300 fragrances, you have the possibility to create your own fragrance.
Create your perfume by customizing all the components (bottle, fragrance, box).
From 10 000 units.
Production Time: 5 to 6 months.

CustomizationStandardFlexible Premium
Minimum Order50 units500 units10 000 units
Fragrance Selection
Box and label customization
Bottle model selection
Fragrance Customization
CPNP Registration
Production time3 to 4 weeks3 to 4 months5 to 6 months

Contact Us

Let’s work together?
We have a team available to answer all your questions.
Let us help you create the ideal perfume for your brand.